Tuesday, January 24, 2006

So What Does It Matter and Why Do We Want to Know?

Perhaps we are the curious half of intelligent existence, along with any other sentient species the Creator may have created. Since any God of that stature must be all knowing, God would not be curious, at least not Creator God. I have to try to think about what I would do if I were God Creator, but, of course, I am not likely to get even close, because I have no point of reference. There is absolutely nothing about which I know everything, not even myself. So is God creator only one of many, and perhaps, the only one with full knowledge, in order to keep the rest of God involved and interested in existence? Are we, and all the other sentient species in existence another state of God?

Well, that is entirely possible. So what are the implications? Well, one implication is that existence, in itself, has no meaning, no reason. It just is. Yet we seem to need a reason for everything. After a lifetime of trying to puzzle out the answers, of being either comforted when I thought I had or totally distressed when I could not understand what had happened to me, I have finally almost reached a state of peace. I am a terribly curious creature by nature, so part of me will want to know as long as I can think. However, the other part of me has managed a "cease-fire" so to speak. After waffling back and forth all my life, I have figured out that it really does not matter. (Oh yes, I can hear all the religious zealots screeching now!) However, I will explain.

First, it does not matter what I know or believe, only reality will or ever has existed. My believing or not changes nothing except me. Why do I need to know? What would I do differently? The truth is that I would make no changes at all either way. If what I have decided I believe is right, well halleluljia and let's celebrate! I choose to believe in a benevolent set of deities of whom we, human beings, are a part. I choose to believe that we have an immortal soul and shall go on forever discovering what God (or Gods) has made and continues to make. We will explore an endless universe of existence with little rests in between. If I am wrong and we simply stop existing when we die, then I will never know the difference.

But what about how you live your life? I hear people shouting! Well, I don't think I would change it much in light of either revelation. The way I live now would not be terribly unpleasing to the popular notion of God, and it tends to please me. Well I could be happy with a bit more money, but I would still care about other people and not want to hurt them. If I found out suddenly that nothing more exists after death, I would probably not believe it, because the idea is so uncomfortable. I certainly would not put a gun to my head and end it all. Why bother? I will just continue to enjoy living.

Will I really stop trying to puzzle it all out. Hardly! What am I doing here? I will keep on trying to understand as much as my puny brain can fathom, but I will not stress about it. I will not worry. What is, is.


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