Wednesday, January 26, 2005

So Why Does Anything Exist?

Wow, duh because if it didn't we could not ask this question? I think this is a really important and basic question, but essentially it is unanswerable. This and the question of God's existence go hand in hand, but this is actually the more difficult to answer, because one could easily say that the creator exists because it is necessary to make all the rest. Isn't that a nice little piece of circular logic?

In fact, creator and our "God" may not even be the same, though they must have the same origin, which is the Ultimate Creator. So was she suspended alone in the void for unknown ages until she woke up and laid an egg? The egg exploded and the universe was born, That's as good as any other explanation I have heard, but I do not think it is right. I think that the process of creation has always been ongoing and will always be so, because the universe and, indeed, all creation, all existence on all planes, is both fluid and intimately inter-connected so that everything that happens affects everything else that happens everywhere at once, just a the movement of one molecule of water in the ocean displaces all the millions of others all at once which displaces all the millions of air molecules etc ad infinitum. For every action there is always a reaction on an infinite scale. That is why this, or anywhere else where we are, is the center of the universe and the rest is all rushing away.

Even the simple act of my writing this is reverberating off to infinity. I write and molecules move, electronic pulses create digital signals which travel to many destinations until they land here and change this space, which infinitesmally nudges everything else that exists or ever will exist. And even these have been nudged maybe billions of times before these words actually appeared on my screen or were posted to this server.

Either everything exists, including God and Satan or nothing exists, which we know is not true. Even if all this is simply a figment of my imaginination all inside my head, I EXIST. And what is reality after all? Is a thought any less real then a rock or an ocean? Perhaps all that is necessary is that someone believes for anything to exist: good or evil, black or white, universe or void. When I consider this I wonder if any single mind can possibly comprehend even the tip of this iceburg. Maybe that is why God is so difficult to locate, because She is many minds or even all minds everywhere at once, and no small segment, such as a single human mind on this planet, can even begin to understand the whole of reality.

I seem to be talking in circles, but then they are, at least, infinite. So the sphere of existence is expanding and contracting and vibrating in all directions all at once on all possible frequencies and we can only see the reflection of a sunbeam.

So we are at the point of accepting, however blindly, that EVERYTHING exists, except "Nothing" because it is impossible for nothing to coexist with anything else, even God. That is a scary thought. Everything that can be conceived by even our small minds exists somewhere at some time in the vibrating sphere of all that is. Monsters, vampires and bogeyment exist as easily as angels, faries and elves and even as easily as people. Some things we dream up are only as real as we make them at any particular moment, and some are not physically possible on this particular plane, but it makes sense that is we can imagine it then somewhere the creator has created it.

I remember once when I was teaching my daughter's kindergarten class to use our Atari computer and program in Logo that the teacher was having the rest of the class make paper turtles while I taught one group of five. I happened to hear her tell little Esther that there was no such thing as a pink turtle with purple polka dots. I casually wandered over to Esther's desk and whispered, "Yes, there is. You just made one." How much more powerful must be the mind that created my mind or her imagination.


At 3:30 AM, Blogger Lilith said...

If whatever exists is the expansion of an occurance at the time of the 'big bang' then at its outter limits it will begin to contract. This expansion and contraction may be the 'breath of God.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Lilith said...

Interesting image!


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