Monday, October 18, 2004

So something exists we label as God, but what is it?

So by looking at what I think the world would be like without the existence of God, I think the fact that the world is NOT like this is enough proof that there is certainly a much higher power and a creator. However, we did not cover creation, so let's look at that first, and then see if it is possible to describe God.

Creation is one of the things for which we may not be developed enough as a species to really understand. It seems to me to be an ultimate paradox. There must have been a creation, since things don't order themselves. Science has presented plenty of believable evidence that this universe, indeed, had a beginning. However, did all of existence have a beginning? Well, the current shape of existence certainly must have, but if you consider the scientific axiom that both matter and energy are conserved within existence, all that does exist always did exist. It just changed form. I won't even try to answer the further question that always comes up about the nature of "nothing". "Nothing" just simply never existed and never will.

So where is God in all of this? He is in all of it. In fact, perhaps, He Is All of it. Maybe that very first point of existence was God, and maybe He existed always. Time began when He became whatever He is now, maybe sentient and Self aware. Time is another of the physics paradoxes that we may never really understand. Does it exist outside of our ability to measure it? The whole concept of time is linear, and so cannot be infinite. God invented time. From what did He fashion it? How did He measure it? Why did He need it? I cannot answer any of these, though I will make a stab at them later. Meanwhile, let us just agree that God invented time and that it only exists as long as some intelligence perceives it.

So God woke up from an eternal sleep or internal monologue or maybe even an internal dialogue with separate persons created within Himself, and found Himself alone in the void. It was dark, cold and empty until He expanded it and created whatever started the current universe in which we live. We have no way of knowing the physics of existence at that time, though some of the brave scientific minds are attempting to find answers. Maybe existence was all matter and God was all energy. Perhaps all that matter was then contained within an infinitely dense singularity within the antimatter void and God might have been an extremely concentrated energy or one the was spread out and permeated everything. And then He thought, and what He thought became reality, and the universe began to expand from its point of origin.

So now there was God, and some very interesting "things" happening. He probably took eons to watch it and it is possibly His energy that keeps order within it. That energy may actually be one kind of energy which we have yet to discover. Some people have discovered it, but no scientists have been able to prove its existence, any more than they have been able to prove the existence of God. Astrologers may be closer than most, measuring the Energy we cannot see by means of measuring its waves. It would follow then that it is not the stars and other heavenly bodies that influence us, but rather it is the same energy that governs them which does. It is like measuring the physical characteristics of a pond and a stone by measuring the rings of waves made by dropping the stone into the pond from a measured distance.

So how is it that all God had to do was to think to make things happen. Ah, maybe that is His nature. I have often seen the dice on a lively craps table behave erratically when there was a lively crowd. They will roll and look like they will fall on seven and then suddenly tip again and land on another number. Is this because all those people were "thinking" about the same thing? I cannot prove telekinesis to anyone else, but I have seen enough "unexplainable" things to believe it works, though no human has much control over it. It could be that we occasionally tap into that source of power and strange things happen.


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